Newmarket Racecourse Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Newmarket Racecourse is 01638 675 556 .
Newmarket Racecourse is Horse Racing venue; it is the largest cluster of training yard. Newmarket Racecourse is a British Horse Racing house. It is located in the Town of Newmarket, Suffolk, UK. This Racecourse hosts two Classic Races the 1000 Guineas and 2000 Guineas. It hosts total of 9 British racings and 32 annual Group 1 races. Newmarket has two courses Rowley Mile Course and July Course. Technically, there is a third course which is known as the Round Course. The round course is used once in a year for the great historical race which is Newmarket Town Plate. The Rowley Mile Course has 2 Km straight and used for racing in the Spring and The July Course has 1600 m straight and used for the summer racings.
No one clearly knows about the age of the Newmarket Racecourse, but in the 19th Century the ground of Newmarket was cleared and flattened. It is assume that in the starting Romans used this land and their cartwheel ruts imprinted in the landscape. It is assumption that this is the first time when this land was used.
In 1200 A.D the Newmarket land was called “Porter’s Piece”. It was the part of 80 acres land which was the dowry of the Sir Richard Argentein on his marriage. Sir Richard Argentein married to the daughter of Robert de Insula named Cassandra. Robert de Insula was Lord of the Manor of Exning. When Sir Richard got the land in dowry, the farmers already living and working on the land.
Newmarket Racecourse is the land of special scientific interest. Most of the scientists are interest in this land to do new researches; this is the reason that Newmarket Racecourse is the expensive training ground in the world. Newmarket Racecourse is the Location of world’s two most famous racecourses. Newmarket is the land which provides the only way to get the Norfolk coast and Down into the southern lands.

Newmarket Racecourse Address

The address of Newmarket Racecourse is Westfield House, The Links, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 0TG.

Newmarket Racecourse Email Address

The email address of Newmarket Racecourse is

Newmarket Racecourse Website

The Website of Newmarket Racecourse is

Newmarket Racecourse Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Newmarket Racecourse is 01638 675 556 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Newmarket Racecourse Service Center and Newmarket Racecourse customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Newmarket Racecourse customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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