Lakeview Park Oshawa Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lakeview Park Oshawa is 905-436-3311 .
The Lakeview Park is located in the city of Oshawa in Canada. People from all parts of the world, come here for various purposes. The people, who are keenly interested in adventuring, usually visit this place and they engage in various adventures and sports such as cycling, soccer, football, swings etc. You can enjoy many types of facilities here such as Splash pad, trails, seating arrangement, parking, etc you can also visit this place if you are planning for a picnic with your family. This area consists of many shady trees and hence several people visits this place every year and enjoy the cool shade of the trees. You can even avail picnic tables and washrooms here. If you want to play sports such as soccer, football, etc, you can even find playground equipment here. The kids can delightfully enjoy this place because they can enjoy their ride in a mini-train.
Also, two playgrounds and a splash pad are situated here. You can even perform workouts on the sports field and you can enjoy a ride on your bike on the trail. Even during scorching summer season, you can feel comfortable because this place is always green. Wherever you go, you can find benches and picnic tables and hence you can sit Down comfortably whenever you want.
The public washrooms are clean and well-maintained. Hence, the visitor does not face any problem here. But you cannot find portable washrooms here.
Other activities of this place
You can even stroll across the trails. The Lakeview Park in Oshawa is mainly known as a famous beach in Canada. Many visitors enjoy playing volleyball here and many volleyball courts are situated here. Many sporting and cultural events take place at this venue and Canada Day in 2013 is to be observed here. You can also enjoy swimming here, but before you come here, you must contact the Durham Region Health Department to know whether they have permitted the general public for swimming.
Place to visit
You can visit this place anytime between 11.30 a.m to 6.30 p.m till September. But during the rainy season, you cannot visit this place because the beach is not supervised by the Lifeguards. Otherwise, the City Life guards supervise this place. You must preferably not visit this place, when the temperature is below 18 degree Celsius.
Food and edibles
You can also enjoy various types of edibles such as fries, beach food, seagull’s dish and even ice-creams. You can view the ice-cream truck here and many types of ice-creams are available. You can find any type of sea food here. You can also pack your lunch home and enjoy here because you enjoy eating here.

Lakeview Park Oshawa Address

The address of Lakeview Park Oshawa is The City of Oshawa, 50 Centre Street South, Oshawa, ON L1H 3Z7, Canada.

Lakeview Park Oshawa Email Address

The email address of Lakeview Park Oshawa is

Lakeview Park Oshawa Website

The Website of Lakeview Park Oshawa is

Lakeview Park Oshawa Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lakeview Park Oshawa is 905-436-3311 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lakeview Park Oshawa Service Center and Lakeview Park Oshawa customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lakeview Park Oshawa customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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