St Thomas University Fredericton Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of St Thomas University Fredericton is (506) 452-0640 .
Started in 1910, St. Thomas University is a liberal arts University in Canada that offers degrees in humanities and social work also. The University enrolls about two and half thousand students each year. The university has six building which contains classes and offices i.e. James Dunn Hall, George Martin Hall, Holy Cross House and three others. St. Thomas University also has its own police force to manage security in it. The police force includes the yearly hired students. It has the good relationship with University of New Brunswick, while both are the separate entities. Its students share various facilities such as libraries, athletics, heating plant, etc with the students of University of New Brunswick. Students of the University are also allowed to take the specific classes in University of New Brunswick and Vice Vera. The address and contact number of St Thomas University Fredericton is also used for St Thomas University Fredericton Hockey, St Thomas University Fredericton Residence, St Thomas University Fredericton Tuition, St Thomas University Athletics Fredericton and St Thomas University Residence.

Fax No: (506) 450-9615

St Thomas University Fredericton Address

The address of St Thomas University Fredericton is 51 Dineen Drive, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, E3B 5G3.

St Thomas University Fredericton Email Address

The email address of St Thomas University Fredericton is,,

St Thomas University Fredericton Website

The Website of St Thomas University Fredericton is

St Thomas University Fredericton Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of St Thomas University Fredericton is (506) 452-0640 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of St Thomas University Fredericton Service Center and St Thomas University Fredericton customer phone number is given below. The helpline of St Thomas University Fredericton customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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