angus and robertson Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of angus and robertson is 1800-231-234 .
Angus & Robertson (A&R) was an iconic Australian bookseller, book publisher and book printer. It was founded in 1886 by David Angus and George Robertson. Angus & Robertson began publishing in 1888. The company has published works by popular Australian authors namely Banjo Paterson, C. J. Dennis, Norman Lindsay, Ion Idriess, Arthur Upfield, Frank Dalby Davison, Dorothy Wall etc. Angus & Robertson has offered substantial support to literary societies from time to time such as the Book Collectors Society of Australia (BCSA) and also provided incentives for promising Australian writers. Angus & Robertson now operates as part of Pearson's online Bookworld, owned by Pearson PLC (a British multinational publishing and education company). Angus & Robertson online store features Books (FICTION, NON FICTION, KIDS & TEENS etc.,), EBOOKS, AUDIO BOOKS, FILM & TV, EDUCATION etc. The Angus & Robertson imprint is still sometimes seen in books published by HarperCollins, a News Corporation company.

angus and robertson Address

The address of angus and robertson is Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3008.

angus and robertson Email Address

The email address of angus and robertson is

angus and robertson Website

The Website of angus and robertson is

angus and robertson Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of angus and robertson is 1800-231-234 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of angus and robertson Service Center and angus and robertson customer phone number is given below. The helpline of angus and robertson customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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