hotel anfield Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of hotel anfield is 0845 812 1234 .
Hotel Anfield is a small boutique hotel based in Anfield, Liverpool. The hotel is set within 300 yards from Anfield Football ground. Hotel Anfield comprises of 8 rooms including Family Suite, master suite, Junior Suite, triple rooms and quad room, all fitted with various amenities. Some of the room facilities include Flat screen tv, WiFi, Tea/Coffee making facility, Ensuite Bathroom with Shower, Hairdryer, Iron and Ironing Board etc. Hotel Anfield also offers the facility of a meeting room which can be used for interviews, formal meetings and professional presentations. They also offer services for wedding receptions.

hotel anfield Address

The address of hotel anfield is 23 Anfield Road Liverpool L4 OTE UK.

hotel anfield Email Address

The email address of hotel anfield is

hotel anfield Website

The Website of hotel anfield is

hotel anfield Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of hotel anfield is 0845 812 1234 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of hotel anfield Service Center and hotel anfield customer phone number is given below. The helpline of hotel anfield customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against hotel anfield. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that hotel anfield will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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