nafisa ali Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of nafisa ali is +91-11-24694999 .
Nafisa Ali is an Indian Actress, model, Politician and social activist. She was born on 18 January 1957 in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Nafisa Ali has acted in various Bollywood films such as Junoon (1979), Major Saab (1998), Life In A... Metro (2007) etc. She has been the national swimming champion from 1972-1974 and winner of the Miss India title in 1976. Nafisa Ali is also the chairperson of the Children's Film Society of India (CFSI). She started her political career in 2004 by contesting the Lok Sabha elections unsuccessfully from South Kolkata.

nafisa ali Address

The address of nafisa ali is D- 237, Defence Colony, New Delhi – 110024.

nafisa ali Email Address

The email address of nafisa ali is

nafisa ali Website

The Website of nafisa ali is

nafisa ali Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of nafisa ali is +91-11-24694999 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of nafisa ali Service Center and nafisa ali customer phone number is given below. The helpline of nafisa ali customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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