villa alzhun Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of villa alzhun is (038) 412-3883, (038) 412 3893 .
Villa Alzhun is a scenic small hotel and tourist inn in Tagbilaran City, Bohol located by the sea. It comprises of rooms such as Standard Single, Standard Double, standard Family, Superior Room, Junior Executive Suite and Executive Suite fitted with many amenities. Some of the services provided in Villa Alzhun inn are Internet and fax services, laundry, Manicure and pedicure, Ticket booking and tour assistance as well as Massage and reflexology. MAJ's Orchidarium, Patio de Asuncion, Victorio's Nook, Don Alfredo's Hall and Mid-way Bar are some of the restaurant outlets in the hotel serving a range of Filipino cuisine and beverages. Villa Alzhun hotel also has conference centers fitted with LCD Projector, Whiteboard, Overhead Projector with screen and Audio-Video Sound System. It also offers facilities for organizing wedding and other special events.

villa alzhun Address

The address of villa alzhun is VP Inting Street Mansasa, Tagbilaran City 6300, Bohol, Philippines.

villa alzhun Email Address

The email address of villa alzhun is

villa alzhun Website

The Website of villa alzhun is

villa alzhun Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of villa alzhun is (038) 412-3883, (038) 412 3893 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of villa alzhun Service Center and villa alzhun customer phone number is given below. The helpline of villa alzhun customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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