Sant Hira Dass Kanya Maha Vidyalaya Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Sant Hira Dass Kanya Maha Vidyalaya is 01822258275, 01822259150 .
Sant Hira Dass Kanya Maha Vidyalaya – Kapurthala came into existence in 1986 after the name of the great saint, freedom fighter and social reformer Sant Hira Dass. The saint raised voice against social evils and injustice towards girls and did sincere efforts for the upliftment of girls. To keep alive the efforts of the saint some like-minded persons gathered together and started this institution. The main objective of the College is to impart education to girls in this rural area for whom education was a dream at one time. The Sant Hira Dass Kanya Maha Vidyalaya – Kapurthala not only caters to the need of higher education but also imparts the cultural, religious and moral values among the girl students.

A society cannot be progressive and cultured if the women are ignorant and illiterate. With this aim, the College imparts meaningful and quality education in the rural areas to the girl students. The girls from economically deprived sections of the society are helped through merit scholarships as well as free ship. The Sant Hira Dass Kanya Maha Vidyalaya – Kapurthala does not get any grant from the State Government and comes under Self-Financing Category. It is affiliated to Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar and was recognized by the University Grants Commission under 2(f) and 12(B) in August, 1998.

The campus area is sprawled in 5 acres and is located in the rural area. The College is running 13 Under Graduate, 1 Post Graduate, 1 Certificate Course and 2 Post Graduate Diploma Courses. The College has started vocational courses such as Office Management and Secretarial Practice, Fashion Designing & Tailoring, Functional Punjabi and Computer Science etc. There is no faculty of Science and Commerce.

There are 12 permanent teachers, 13 temporary teachers and 3 part-time teachers. 544 students were admitted in the Sant Hira Dass Kanya Maha Vidyalaya – Kapurthala during last year. The unit cost of education comes out to be Rs. 6277/-. The College is having annual system of examination. During the year 2002-03, 466 students were admitted and the pass out percentage was 90.14. During the year 2003-04, 569 students appeared and the pass out percentage was 93.12. The support services available in the College include Central Library, Sports facility, Hostel, Canteen, Open Auditorium, Home Science Lab., Dress Designing and Fashion Designing Lab., Music Room, Grievance Redressal Cell, part-time medical facilities and Girls Common Room.

Three students have cleared UGC-NET examination. The total working days of the College are 215 and the Sant Hira Dass Kanya Maha Vidyalaya – Kapurthala adheres to the UGC norms of teaching days. The College generates its resources from donations, by fund raising drives and from Alumni Association. The total campus area of the College is about 5 acres. It has Library, Seminar Hall, offices, class rooms, Home Science Lab., Computer Lab. O.M. Lab., Dress Designing and Fashion Lab. and Music room, Open Auditorium, Canteen, Common Room and Playgrounds. To cover the frequent electricity failure/cuts the college has also acquired a generator. The college has its own fleet of 10 buses.

Constant efforts are made by the Sant Hira Dass Kanya Maha Vidyalaya – Kapurthala for meeting the growing financial requirements and improve the existing facilities and for creating new infrastructure to meet new academic challenges. The resources are mobilized by seeking assistance from University Grants Commission, donations from NRIs, introducing new job oriented courses. The College is maintaining its infrastructure by regular supervision through committees and there is a provision in the budget to maintain the infrastructure. Students studying in other institutions are also encouraged to make use of College library, sports facilities, and computer facilities. General public also uses sport grounds. Government and non-government organizations engaged in social welfare activities are allowed to use the seminar hall.

The library is housed in a new Sant Hira Dass Kanya Maha Vidyalaya – Kapurthala building. The library is not connected with other libraries for inter-library borrowing, though it has Book-Bank facility. The total number of books in the library is 6663. The year before last it added 375 textbooks worth Rs. 35790/-, 150 other books worth Rs. 34418/- and 8/24 journals/ periodicals worth Rs. 10340/- to its stock. During the last year this addition was 981 (1, 50,000/-), 555 (187012/-) and 11/26 (11540/-) respectively. 37 journals and 8 newspapers are subscribed. It functions six days a week from 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM. It has an advisory committee. Lending of books, book bank, stock verification, information retrieval, reports of all types and management of Identity Cards are all computerized.

It has self-sustained sewerage system, landscaping and the Sant Hira Dass Kanya Maha Vidyalaya – Kapurthala campus is kept beautiful with the help of sweepers and gardeners. NSS volunteers also help to keep the campus clean. A part-time lady doctor has been appointed in the College campus for 2 hours (10 AM-12 noon) daily. The College has Volleyball, Basketball, Handball, Kho-Kho and Kabaddi grounds. Free meals, free hostel accommodation, freeship in education, free medical treatment and free sport kit is given to outstanding sport persons in addition to scholarships, medals and cash prizes. During the last two years, two students participated at the State level, one at Regional level and four at National level games/ sports activities. The College Basketball team got second position in intercollegiate tournaments organized by GNDU in 2004. College offers Bachelor, Master courses leading to different streams.

Sant Hira Dass Kanya Maha Vidyalaya Address

The address of Sant Hira Dass Kanya Maha Vidyalaya is Kala Sanghian, Kapurthala, Punjab.

Sant Hira Dass Kanya Maha Vidyalaya Website

The Website of Sant Hira Dass Kanya Maha Vidyalaya is

Sant Hira Dass Kanya Maha Vidyalaya Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Sant Hira Dass Kanya Maha Vidyalaya is 01822258275, 01822259150 (Click phone number to call).

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