Trent Barton Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Trent Barton is +44 01773 712265 .
Trent Barton originally Trentbarton is a transportation company that provides bus services in various parts of England. The company is an old company established back in the year 1913 as 'Trent Motor Traction Company' which runs First Bus service between Derby and Ashbourne. In the same year second bus service was started to Stapleford and many followed after that. The company is a part of 'Wellglade Group' that also does the business of providing transportation services to the people of the country by operating bus services in various parts of the country like Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Staffordshire and South Yorkshire, and the Nottingham Express a Transit tram system in Nottingham. The company as of November, 2012 owns a fleet of 277 buses to ferry the people of the country from one place to another. For ticketing purpose the company is having a Smart Card service named as 'MANGO', a prepaid touchless smartcard system in which people swipe their card at the entrance of the bus from their entry point and swipe again at the end of the journey.

Trent Barton Address

The address of Trent Barton is Mansfield Road, Heanor, Derbyshire DE75 7BG, England.

Trent Barton Email Address

The email address of Trent Barton is

Trent Barton Website

The Website of Trent Barton is

Trent Barton Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Trent Barton is +44 01773 712265 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Trent Barton Service Center and Trent Barton customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Trent Barton customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Trent Barton Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Chris Hubbard CallsJan 07, 2025

Mr. Chris Hubbard On Phone To Trent Barton Service
Good morning. I’m not normally in the habit of complaining, but my tolerance has been tested by one of your drivers on a number of occasions over the last twelve months. He is deliberately obstructive, unpleasant and dismissive. I don’t know his name, but he was driving the Mainline service from Bingham that arrived at Radcliffe Harlequin 09:29 today 07/01/25. I’d be interested in your response. Thank you.

Customer care male
Mr. Ivan Parry CallsMay 18, 2017

Mr. Ivan Parry On Phone To Trent Barton Service
I refer to the ninety I catch from pinxton to Sutton each afternoon 4. 53 pm. The ticket machine on this bus often takes several attempts to REGISTER My Senior pass. No other bus has this problem with it and I'm getting fed up with it. Can you get your machine on this bus checked. It makes me look stupid trying repeatedly and the driver on Thursdays bus was less than helpful. Sadly your nice driver retired last Thursday.

Customer care male
Mr. Mel Cook CallsSep 15, 2017

Mr. Mel Cook On Phone To Trent Barton Service
Hello on thursday 14th September afternoon at around 5. 20pm i was coming home from work driving my car, when i got to nottingham road bus stop near kwick fit, the derby indigo was dropping people off, as i was passing, the driver starts pulling out so i had to get if front of him quicker than needed, once i passed, The driver started to insult me by winding his finger next to his temple as to call me mental or crazy then making glasses with both hands on his face then he ended by giving me the wanker sign, i seen all this in my rearview mirror and not only that i had passingers who also witnessed it. Like i said the driver at one point had no hands on steering wheel when he had passingers on board, i felt very intimidated by the way the driver was responding to me over taking him when he was the one pulled out on me.

Customer care female
Ms. Kerry Wheatcroft CallsAug 21, 2015

Ms. Kerry Wheatcroft On Phone To Trent Barton Service
I caught the bus that left Bingham at 6. 35am on Friday 21st July, to go to Nottingham. After four other drivers letting me on at half fare at the same time over the previous two weeks, this was the first time I'd not been allowed to use it. Then I'm not 100% certain, but got a strong feeling someone else was let on straight after with the same pass at half fare then. So, I must of been over charged.

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