Bpl Ulite Bangalore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Bpl Ulite Bangalore is 080-22876511 .
British Physical Laboratories Group (BPL) is a private manufacturing company of electronics products, and the company does business in the productions of televisions, microwaves, washing machines, refrigerators, health care devices, home entertainment products, audio and medical equipment etc. In additions, the company also makes some lighting products with too much battery backup. Bpl has introduced several models of emergency lights, and one of them is ULite Lantern. The U Lite has various models such as BPL U Lite L 650 Emergency Light, BPL U Lite L 1000 Emergency Light and many others. BPL has also designed some other models of Emergency Light in different series like BPL Chirag L 1400, BPL SL1300 Solar, BPL Chirag Dx L1500 LED, BPL Study Lite SSL 200 Solar and BPL Study Lite SL 100. BPl was founded by TPG Nambiar in 1963 having main office in Bengaluru, India. Till 1982, the company was worked alone, and after that, BPL started its business as 50:50 partnership with Sanyo Electric Company Limited. Ullas Electronics is a service center of electronics products, which provides repair services for Gas Appliances, Kitchen and Canteen Equipment and Emergency Lighting Products. The service center is located at K S Complex in Bangalore.

Bpl Ulite Bangalore Address

The address of Bpl Ulite Bangalore is No.256, 1st Floor, K S Complex, Chickpet, Bangalore - 560053, Karnataka, India.

Bpl Ulite Bangalore Website

The Website of Bpl Ulite Bangalore is www.bpl.in.

Bpl Ulite Bangalore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bpl Ulite Bangalore is 080-22876511 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bpl Ulite Bangalore Service Center and Bpl Ulite Bangalore customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Bpl Ulite Bangalore customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Bpl Ulite Bangalore Customer Phone Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Sangappa CallsMar 17, 2020

Mr. Sangappa On Phone To Bpl Ulite Bangalore Service
BPL studylite not working. May be battery is to be changed. I want to get it serviced. Please help me.

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