Lenovo Vancouver Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lenovo Vancouver is +1-(604) 871 0195 .
Lenovo Group Limited has been around in the world's markets since 1984, which was founded as Legend in Beijing. It was come in its current name in 2004. Lenovo was founded by Liu Chuanzhi with the goal to make Computer hardware and electronics products for worldwide people. Lenovo has a brief and unique story from other compare electronics companies. In its youngest journey of 29 years, the company has invented of several products with different technologies. There are several products, which are manufactured by Lenovo. The following products are: personal computers (PCs), tablet computers, workstations, smartphones, Electronic storage devices, servers, smart televisions, Desktops, notebooks, netbooks, printers, scanners, televisions, computer peripherals and much other. Lenovo's network is officially available in more than 60 nations, and Lenovo's products are transported until the people of 160 nations through the network of 60 countries. Its maintenance centers are located in the all cities of 160 nations with well trained, experienced and specific engineers. The Corresponding services of Lenovo Vancouver service center are Lenovo Vancouver dealer and Lenovo Laptop service center.

Lenovo Vancouver Address

The address of Lenovo Vancouver is 195, West 3rd Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1E6, Canada.

Lenovo Vancouver Website

The Website of Lenovo Vancouver is www.lenovo.com.

Lenovo Vancouver Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lenovo Vancouver is +1-(604) 871 0195 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lenovo Vancouver Service Center and Lenovo Vancouver customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lenovo Vancouver customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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