Jbl Manila Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Jbl Manila is +63-2-588-0918, +63-2-5596819 to 20 Fax No-+63-2-559-7440 .
In the year 1946, Jbl was ventured into the loudspeakers and related Electronic products industry. It is a multinational audio devices manufacturer company which is adopted by Harman International. The company provides a full range of audio electronic products ranging from home to professional audio. JBL does business under the two main categories like "JBL Professional" and "JBL Consumer". JBL Professional offers a wide range of professional devices for cinema markets, Tour Sound, Portable Sound, DJ, Installed Sound etc. JBL Consumer is engaged in delivering the home audio devices and products. The company is leading manufacturer of amplifiers, sound enhancers, subwoofers, multiroom systems, headphones, speaker docks, speakers, Computer speakers and speakers etc. JBL corporate office is placed in Northridge, California, United States. JBL was founded by James B Lansing. Audiophile Components is one of the authorised service centers of JBL, which is located in Pres Quirino Ext. Paco, Manila, Philippines.

Jbl Manila Address

The address of Jbl Manila is 1142 Pres Quirino Ext. Paco, Manila, Philippines.

Jbl Manila Email Address

The email address of Jbl Manila is service@audiophile.ph.

Jbl Manila Website

The Website of Jbl Manila is www.jbl.com.

Jbl Manila Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Jbl Manila is +63-2-588-0918, +63-2-5596819 to 20 Fax No-+63-2-559-7440 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Jbl Manila Service Center and Jbl Manila customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Jbl Manila customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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