House of Infinity Bahrain Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of House of Infinity Bahrain is +973 - 17587729 .
House of Infinity is one of the major architectural and interior design companies in United Kingdom. The company is specialized in residential projects like palatial residences, resorts, boutique hotels, malls etc. Headquartered in London, it has opened branch in Bahrain to provide services in Middle East. House of infinity provides the quality and wide range of services, due to its multinational group of architects and designers. The company was started by Steven Hemphill, who serves as the managing Director of the company. House of Infinity Bahrain is expansion of its London function and the branch is liaised closely with London design team. The company has got a Royal Commission from its clients in Bahrain area. The address and contact number of House of Infinity Bahrain is also used for House of Infinity News, House of Infinity Uae and House of Infinity Llc.

Fax No: +973-17583255

House of Infinity Bahrain Address

The address of House of Infinity Bahrain is PO Box 31633, Budaiya, bahrain, United Kingdom.

House of Infinity Bahrain Email Address

The email address of House of Infinity Bahrain is

House of Infinity Bahrain Website

The Website of House of Infinity Bahrain is

House of Infinity Bahrain Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of House of Infinity Bahrain is +973 - 17587729 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of House of Infinity Bahrain Service Center and House of Infinity Bahrain customer phone number is given below. The helpline of House of Infinity Bahrain customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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