Najran University Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Najran University is 0096675428888, Fax: 0096675428887 .
This university consist of 14 colleges. Once it was the part of King Khalid University. It began as a community university. It is a public research university. It’s campus is on east side located at Naryan,south Africa. Prof. Mohammad Ibrahim Al- Hassan is it’s president. On November, 2006 Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz announced it an independent university.
It’s logo is natran university najran university. There are so many research centers with colleges like, College of applied medical science, college of health science, college of dentisity, college of medicine, college of computer science and infrastructure system, college of engineering, college of administration science, college of language, college of science & arts, college of Sharia, college of science and Sharoura. It has Big library. In community call there is self study entrants programs and parallel learning in co-ordination with the concerned department in the university.
There departments are :information technology centers, operations, Legal affairs, Administrations& financial affairs, projects, Planning development, Internal Audit unit. Others are health centers, engineering centers also opened by them. By the efforts of engineering student they won the Golden prize in the international competition for the design & invention. They invented “Energy Consumption” with the help of this that can enable the person to know the amount of energy consumption.

Najran University Address

The address of Najran University is King Abdul Aziz Road, Najran, Saudi Arabia.

Najran University Email Address

The email address of Najran University is

Najran University Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Najran University is 0096675428888, Fax: 0096675428887 (Click phone number to call).

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