Infosys Bpo Bangalore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Infosys Bpo Bangalore is +91 80 4103 2000 .
Infosys BPO Limited is a multinational business process outsourcing company that began its operations in the year 2002 with the name of Progeon Limited. It was an Alliance of two companies namely Infosys and Citibank Investments in which infosys has 74 shares and rest 26 are reserved by Citibank. The headquarters of Infosys Bpo Limited is located in Electronic City, Bengaluru, India. Infosys BPO Limited serves in India, Australia, Poland, Brazil, the Philippines, Mexico, Costa Rica, China, Czech Republic and the United States. Gautam Thakkar is the managing Director and chief executive officer. It is a major division of Infosys Limited which is one the three largest IT services company in India according to 2012 revenues. As per March 31, 2013, Infosys BPO Limited has its revenue around US$ 583 million and more than 24,634 employees. It provides a large variety of products and services regarding Sourcing and Procurement Outsourcing, Finance and Accounting, Business Transformation Services, Business Platforms, Legal Process Outsourcing and many more. The address and contact number of Infosys Bpo Bangalore is also used for Infosys Bpo Jobs For Freshers, Infosys Bpo Walk, Infosys Bpo Jobs In Bangalore, Infosys Bpo Bangalore Salary, Infosys Bpo Bangalore Interview Rounds and Infosys Bpo Bangalore Interview Questions.

Fax Number: +91 80 2658 8676

Infosys Bpo Bangalore Address

The address of Infosys Bpo Bangalore is Infosys Towers No. 27, Bannerghatta Road, 3rd Phase, J. P. Nagar, Bangalore - 560 076, Karnataka, India.

Infosys Bpo Bangalore Email Address

The email address of Infosys Bpo Bangalore is

Infosys Bpo Bangalore Website

The Website of Infosys Bpo Bangalore is

Infosys Bpo Bangalore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Infosys Bpo Bangalore is +91 80 4103 2000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Infosys Bpo Bangalore Service Center and Infosys Bpo Bangalore customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Infosys Bpo Bangalore customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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