Innova Junior College Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Innova Junior College is +65 6398 3401 .
Innova Junior College is a coeducational college imparts education to the students upto A-level preparatory which is situated at 21 Champions Way, Singapore. Innova Junior College is also known as IJC that was opened in the year 2005. There are five lecture theaters in the college. Innova Junior College has more than 1,500 students. Mr Michael de Silva is the principal of the college. Innova Junior College has a library which has an extensive collection of books. It is authorized as Center of Excellence for New Media and New Media Arts by the Ministry of Education. There are various facilities for the students such as squash court, basketball court, the gym, 8-lane track, air rifle range, two dance studios, Cca blocks and netball court. Apart from these facilities, few clubs and societies are organsied by the college to engage students in other extracurricular activities. These clubs are Strategy Club, Students Council, Japanese Cultural Society and New Media Arts. The address and contact number of Innova Junior College is also used for Innova Junior College Reviews, Innova Junior College Ranking, Innova Junior College Uniform and Innova Junior College Principal.
Fax Number: +(65)68943655

Innova Junior College Address

The address of Innova Junior College is 21 Champions Way, Singapore 737902.

Innova Junior College Website

The Website of Innova Junior College is

Innova Junior College Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Innova Junior College is +65 6398 3401 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Innova Junior College Service Center and Innova Junior College customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Innova Junior College customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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