Victoria Infirmary Glasgow Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Victoria Infirmary Glasgow is +44 141 201 6000 .
Victoria Infirmary is basically a hospital located in Glasgow, United Kingdom. The teaching cum medical center was first opened for public use in late 1890 after taken 2 years in building. The hospital covers treatments in all medical causalities and diseases. The hospital can hold more than 350 patients including intensive care unit and emergency wards. The hospital is also very renowned in education Point of view and got its affiliation from University of Glasgow. The name of hospital Victoria is given after the Queen of United Kingdom with the permission from British Royal family. The hospital is very old in the country and it got renovated several times over the past years.
The address and contact number of Victoria Infirmary Glasgow is also used for Victoria Infirmary Glasgow Ward, Victoria Infirmary Glasgow Physiotherapy Department, Victoria Infirmary Glasgow Jobs, Victoria Infirmary Glasgow Parking, Victoria Infirmary Glasgow Occupational Health and Victoria Infirmary Glasgow Mansion House Unit.The fax number of Victoria Infirmary is 0141 201 5206.

Victoria Infirmary Glasgow Address

The address of Victoria Infirmary Glasgow is Langside Road, Glasgow G42 9TY United Kingdom.

Victoria Infirmary Glasgow Website

The Website of Victoria Infirmary Glasgow is

Victoria Infirmary Glasgow Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Victoria Infirmary Glasgow is +44 141 201 6000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Victoria Infirmary Glasgow Service Center and Victoria Infirmary Glasgow customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Victoria Infirmary Glasgow customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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