Red Sea Mall Jeddah Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Red Sea Mall Jeddah is + 966 02 215 0525 .
The Red Sea Mall is a shopping center situated on Malik Road, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It was started its journey in March, 2008. The retail floor of the shopping center is spread in an area of about 242,000 square meters. It is a three-storey building. There are more than 500 stores in the mall. The shopping mall provides various facilities regarding Books, Cards and Gifts, Florist, Health and Beauty, Eyewear, Footwear, Supermarket, Watches and Jewelry, Department Store and fashion accessories. It is one stop shopping center for all age group of customers. There is a five Star Mall hotel which is Elaf Jeddah hotel. There is an additionally facility of approximately 4,000 external and undercover parking spaces which are connected to the 18 entrances to the Red Sea Mall. The shape of the building is curved. It is one of the Jeddah's largest mixed use malls in Jeddah. The address and contact number of Red Sea Mall Jeddah is also used for Red Sea Mall Shops, Red Sea Mall Jeddah Directory, Red Sea Mall Jeddah Restaurants and Red Sea Mall Jeddah Sale.

Red Sea Mall Jeddah Address

The address of Red Sea Mall Jeddah is Malik Road, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Red Sea Mall Jeddah Website

The Website of Red Sea Mall Jeddah is

Red Sea Mall Jeddah Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Red Sea Mall Jeddah is + 966 02 215 0525 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Red Sea Mall Jeddah Service Center and Red Sea Mall Jeddah customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Red Sea Mall Jeddah customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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