Luminous Chandigarh Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Luminous Chandigarh is 0172-4662902, 4651601 .
Luminous Power Technologies Private Limited is simply referred to as Luminous, is a famous brand name in power back up solutions. Besides this, the company also has a popular name in power storage products, electrical products and enterprise solution. In power back up category, Luminous has introduced various models of inverters, Ups systems for home and offices. In power storage, it has numerous types of batteries including VRLA/SMF Batteries, Solar Batteries, Automotive Batteries, Traction Batteries and Inverter Batteries. The several award-winning company, Luminous belongs to India, and located with main office at C-8/C-9, Community Center, Behind Janak Cinema Complex, Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110058, India. The main office is a controller of Luminous's 28 sales offices, 7 manufacturing units and more than 40000 service partners. For any information, Luminous's customer can call on the centralized service number of Luminous, and the numbers are: 011-45500700, 1860-500-3939, 1800-103-3039 (Toll free). The Corresponding services of Luminous Chandigarh service center are Luminous Inverter service center, Luminous Battery service center and Luminous authorized service center. The customer can also leave the message on Luminous's official website: "".

Luminous Chandigarh Address

The address of Luminous Chandigarh is Plot No 87, Industrial Area, Phase-2, Chandigarh, UT, India.

Luminous Chandigarh Email Address

The email address of Luminous Chandigarh is

Luminous Chandigarh Website

The Website of Luminous Chandigarh is

Luminous Chandigarh Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Luminous Chandigarh is 0172-4662902, 4651601 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Luminous Chandigarh Service Center and Luminous Chandigarh customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Luminous Chandigarh customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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