Victoria Park Kitchener Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Victoria Park Kitchener is (519) 741-2488 .
The Victoria Park is one of the most beautiful parks in Canada, and the Victoria Park was first opened for public in the year 1896. The Canada based oldest park is located at just a short walk from City Hall in the heart of Downtown Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, and park is mostly built on the swampy farm land. The park provides a Splash pad, beautiful gardens, the celebrated clock tower bell and a large playground. Besides Victoria Park, the McLennan Park, Kiwanis Park, Kiwanis Park and many other parks are also located in Kitchener, Canada. The address and contact number of Victoria Park Kitchener is also used for Victoria Park Kitchener Events, Kitchener Victoria Park Pavilion, Victoria Park Kitchener Christmas Lights and Victoria Park Kitchener Picnic Shelter.

Victoria Park Kitchener Address

The address of Victoria Park Kitchener is 80, Schneider, Kitchener, ON N2G 1K9, Canada.

Victoria Park Kitchener Website

The Website of Victoria Park Kitchener is

Victoria Park Kitchener Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Victoria Park Kitchener is (519) 741-2488 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Victoria Park Kitchener Service Center and Victoria Park Kitchener customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Victoria Park Kitchener customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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