Surrey Courthouse Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Surrey Courthouse is 604-572-2200 .
Surrey Courthouse is a government building which is situated at 57th Avenue Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. It is home to the Provincial Court which is the busiest court in the British Columbia. Provincial Court handles several cases under different circumstances such as Criminal and Youth Matters, Family Matters, Small Claims Matters, Traffic and Bylaw Matters. The court was formed under the Provincial Court Act. Thomas Crabtree is the chief judge of the court. It is a judicial court that was created in the year of 1969. Surrey Courthouse has also a facility of regional library. There are various facilities in the library like Wireless internet access, online subscription products, Print resources etc. The address and contact number of Surrey Courthouse is also used for Surrey Courthouse Jobs, Surrey Courthouse Records, Surrey Courthouse Legal Aid, Surrey Courthouse Family Duty Counsel and Surrey Courthouse Library.
Fax No: (604) 572-6917

Surrey Courthouse Address

The address of Surrey Courthouse is 14340 - 57th Avenue Surrey, BC V3X 1B2, Canada.

Surrey Courthouse Website

The Website of Surrey Courthouse is

Surrey Courthouse Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Surrey Courthouse is 604-572-2200 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Surrey Courthouse Service Center and Surrey Courthouse customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Surrey Courthouse customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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