London Hall Uwo Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of London Hall Uwo is 519-661-3377 .
The London hall is one of the residence halls of the University of Western Ontario. The hall houses more than 417 residents. It was built in the year 2006. the London hall is a 12 story building. It has facilities of single rooms, Double bed rooms, 1 music practice room, laundry facilities on second floor, academic cafe, high speed internet, weight room and Computer mini-lab. Each room is equipped with desk chair, cable television, corkboard, overhead lighting, small drawer unit, heat, air-conditioning, and more. It has also a multi-functional conference center and Smaller meeting rooms. The University of Western Ontario' London hall was designed by Architects Tillman Ruth Mocellin in Modern style. It is the Canada based public university provides comprehensive educational and housing facilities to the students. It has eight residence halls which are located at main campus of the UWO. Main campus of the university is located on Western Road in London, Ontario, Canada and covers an area of 455 hectares. The university has an enrollment of 20,524 undergraduate and 5,297 postgraduate students. The University of Western Ontario was setup on 7 March 1878. It consists of 12 schools and three colleges.
The UWO'housing & ancillary services office is located in Room 102, Elgin Hall at Western University's main campus.

London Hall Uwo Address

The address of London Hall Uwo is 1140 Western Road, London, Ontario, Canada, N6G 0A3.

London Hall Uwo Email Address

The email address of London Hall Uwo is

London Hall Uwo Website

The Website of London Hall Uwo is

London Hall Uwo Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of London Hall Uwo is 519-661-3377 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of London Hall Uwo Service Center and London Hall Uwo customer phone number is given below. The helpline of London Hall Uwo customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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