anerley town hall Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of anerley town hall is +44 20 8676 5666 .
Anerley Town hall (Anerley Vestry Hall) located in London, United Kingdom was built in 1878. It was built to conduct public business for the area and became a Town hall as a result of the London Government Act 1899. Anerley Town hall became part of the Penge Urban District of Kent in 1900. The Hall was enlarged in 1911 and contained offices, a public hall, the council chamber, committee rooms and a petty sessional court opened in 1925. Anerley Town Hall has two halls along with a meeting room for hire. The Town hall is big enough to accommodate 150 people seated or 200 people standing. Anerley Town hall is suitable for various functions viz. Weddings and birthdays, Company training and seminars, Exhibitions, Regular hire for activities such as fitness, dance, yoga or acting classes etc. Anerley Town hall became part of the London Borough of Bromley in 1965

anerley town hall Address

The address of anerley town hall is SE20 8 London, United Kingdom.

anerley town hall Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of anerley town hall is +44 20 8676 5666 (Click phone number to call).

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