anert Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of anert is 0471 - 2338077, 2334122 .
ANERT (Agency for Non-Conventional Energy and Rural Technology) is an autonomous organisation based in India. The organization was founded in 1986 under Societies Act by the Government of Kerala and is headquartered in Thiruvananthapuram. ANERT gathers and disseminates useful knowledge in various fields of Non-Conventional Energy, Energy Conservation and Rural Technology. The organization also conducts studies, demonstrates, implements and supports implementations of schemes and projects in these fields along with updating the technologies used in rural areas as well as introducing appropriate new technologies with an aim to reduce drudgery, increase production and improve quality of life. ANERT is the State Nodal Agency (SNA) for the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India, to carry out the Centrally Assisted Programmes in Kerala. The various programs initiated by ANERT include Solar Energy Programmes, Small Hydro Programme, Biomass Gassification, Energy Conservation etc

anert Address

The address of anert is Law College Road Vikas Bhavan P.O. Thiruvananthapuram – 695 033.

anert Email Address

The email address of anert is

anert Website

The Website of anert is

anert Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of anert is 0471 - 2338077, 2334122 (Click phone number to call).

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