Infant Jesus Academy Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Infant Jesus Academy is 941 – 8920 .
The Infant Jesus Academy (IJA) is a co educational school, which provides the high quality education to children of families of average means. The school was started by Mrs. Consolacion Florentino-Mallonga along with her husband in 1970s. It has four campuses in Marikina, Molave, Antipolo and Kalibo cities. The primary campus of the Infant Jesus Academy (IJA) was located in Rancho Estate in Marikina City. The school had started operations in 1979 and had only 127 students at that time. It was officially started as NGO in February 1980. The government had allowed the school to offer Elementary Courses in 1983. People requested for the high school, so The Infant Jesus Academy had started operations in the direction of this in 1983, while government had given permission in 1986. The address and contact number of Infant Jesus Academy is also used for Infant Jesus Academy Kalibo, Infant Jesus School, Infant Jesus Academy Asaba, Infant Jesus Academy Of Silang Inc, Infant Jesus Academy Tuition Fee, Infant Jesus Learning Academy Malabon and Infant Jesus Academy Rodriguez Rizal.

Fax No: 942 – 3972

Infant Jesus Academy Address

The address of Infant Jesus Academy is Russet Street, Rancho Estate IV, Marikina City, Philippines.

Infant Jesus Academy Email Address

The email address of Infant Jesus Academy is

Infant Jesus Academy Website

The Website of Infant Jesus Academy is

Infant Jesus Academy Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Infant Jesus Academy is 941 – 8920 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Infant Jesus Academy Service Center and Infant Jesus Academy customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Infant Jesus Academy customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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