Infant Jesus Church Bangalore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Infant Jesus Church Bangalore is 080 2530 1206 .
Infant Jesus Church is among the famous worship places in Bangalore. Located in Viveknagar, it is the biggest church in the state. The church has the long tail of sacrifice and devotion. Fr. Paul Kinatukara had taken the Dream of it in 1960s and it was started by Dr. Lourduswamy in 1970. The church was opened to the people in 1979 in the honour of Infant Jesus of Prague. Infant Jesus Church was designed by Thomas Associates. It has the capacity of about two and half thousand people. The church has 9 faces. People can sit anywhere in it, feel that altar is facing them. Infant Jesus Church organizes St Mary's Feast annually in September and devotee celebrated in Orange color dress. The main feature of it is the secular nature of the devotees, who receive the bless mainly on Thursday and Saturday. The address and contact number of Infant Jesus Church Bangalore is also used for Infant Jesus Church Bangalore Miraculous Prayer, Infant Jesus Church And Shrine Annual Feast and Infant Jesus Church Bangalore Miracles.

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Infant Jesus Church Bangalore Address

The address of Infant Jesus Church Bangalore is Infant Jesus Shrine, Post Box 4712, Viveknagar, Bangalore 560047 Karnataka, India.

Infant Jesus Church Bangalore Email Address

The email address of Infant Jesus Church Bangalore is

Infant Jesus Church Bangalore Website

The Website of Infant Jesus Church Bangalore is

Infant Jesus Church Bangalore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Infant Jesus Church Bangalore is 080 2530 1206 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Infant Jesus Church Bangalore Service Center and Infant Jesus Church Bangalore customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Infant Jesus Church Bangalore customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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