University of Hail Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of University of Hail is +966-6-5312500 .
The University of Hail was established in year 2005 which later becomes first in Saudi Arabia which provides various courses to students. The university with its reputation among people of Saudi Arabia then later established another campus in Baqa region. The study in university is carried by semester (6 months) system and courses include Business Administration, Computer Systems, and Electronics Engineering and Instrumentation, Applied Electrical Engineering and Management Information Systems. The main Aim of University is to become best in the business and lead education provider in the country. The university provides best education to students and relies on its strict staff recruitment policy. The university official tries their level best in order to fulfill the basic requirement of students and staff. The Address and Contact Number of University of Hail is Also Used for University of Hail Job Vacancies, University of Hail Salary, University of Hail Location, University of Hail Faculty and University of Hail Ranking.
The fax number of university is +966-6-5310500.

University of Hail Address

The address of University of Hail is Ha'il 2440, Saudi Arabia.

University of Hail Website

The Website of University of Hail is

University of Hail Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of University of Hail is +966-6-5312500 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of University of Hail Service Center and University of Hail customer phone number is given below. The helpline of University of Hail customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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