Infant Jesus School Nallasopara Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Infant Jesus School Nallasopara is 7350011415, 7350011417, (0250) 2431672 .
Infant Jesus High School located in Nalasopara city is counted among the leading schools in Maharashtra state. It is an English medium, co educational, convent school. The school provides the Secondary education to about four hundred students each year. Infant Jesus High School has maintained the 47:1 students to teacher ratio. These numbers are more than the average of all the secondary schools in the state. The school has beautiful building and provides the high quality learning environment to the students. It has good playing ground and students take part in various regional sports activities. The school also organizes the cultural programs each year. Infant Jesus High School is committed to the overall development of students, so that they become the good citizens of the country in future.

Infant Jesus School Nallasopara Address

The address of Infant Jesus School Nallasopara is Vijay Nagar, Tulinj, Off Virar Road, Nalasopara East, Thane, Maharashtra 401209 India.

Infant Jesus School Nallasopara Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Infant Jesus School Nallasopara is 7350011415, 7350011417, (0250) 2431672 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Infant Jesus School Nallasopara Service Center and Infant Jesus School Nallasopara customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Infant Jesus School Nallasopara customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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