Chief Electoral Officer Tamilnadu Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Chief Electoral Officer Tamilnadu is (044) 2567 0390 .
Chief Electoral Officer in India state is a head of election commission. The state commission is responsible of conducting elections in the every region of particular states including Tamil Nadu. After the amendment of Act passed by Central Government, it has made it compulsory for each and every state to have such kind of Department for electoral process. The department comes under the control of states government and Election Commission of India. The main Aim behind its establishment is to give equal right to each and every citizen to right to vote the right and appropriate candidate that can lead them for better future. The electoral officer is elected purely on merit basis by Central Election Commission from the candidates shortlisted in Indian Administrative Services. The fax number of Electoral Commission is (044) 2567 0989.

Chief Electoral Officer Tamilnadu Address

The address of Chief Electoral Officer Tamilnadu is Public (Elections) Department Secretariat, Fort St George, Chennai - 600 009, Tamil Nadu, India.

Chief Electoral Officer Tamilnadu Email Address

The email address of Chief Electoral Officer Tamilnadu is

Chief Electoral Officer Tamilnadu Website

The Website of Chief Electoral Officer Tamilnadu is

Chief Electoral Officer Tamilnadu Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Chief Electoral Officer Tamilnadu is (044) 2567 0390 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Chief Electoral Officer Tamilnadu Service Center and Chief Electoral Officer Tamilnadu customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Chief Electoral Officer Tamilnadu customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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