Informatics Computer Institute Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Informatics Computer Institute is 555-1810, 822-9009/822-9017 .
Informatics Computer Institute is a leading computer training institute located in WSR Bicutan Paranaque City, Philippines. The institute offers world-class IT education and training to the students. It is one of the authorized training centres of Informatics Philippines. Informatics Philippines was founded in 1994 which is a leading training and educational service provider in the country with approximately 25 training centres. It offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Information and Communications Technology sector.

The Informatics Philippines is a wholly owned subsidiary of Informatics Group, a pioneer multinational corporation of the education and training. The group was founded in 1983 in Singapore to provide lifelong learning solution in business management, information technology.

Informatics Philippines offers bachelor degree programs, international advanced diploma programs and local certification programs, and it also provides computer training programs including Basic Computer Concepts and Windows, IT Essentials, Creating Visual Presentations, Desktop publishing, Digital Photography, computer programming, video editing, Graphic Design Courses, Web design and development training etc. To learn more information about the Informatics Computer Institute, visit on the official website.

Informatics Computer Institute Address

The address of Informatics Computer Institute is 2nd Floor, BS Square Commercial Building, Doña Soledad Avenue Corner, WSR Bicutan Paranaque City, Philippines.

Informatics Computer Institute Email Address

The email address of Informatics Computer Institute is,

Informatics Computer Institute Website

The Website of Informatics Computer Institute is

Informatics Computer Institute Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Informatics Computer Institute is 555-1810, 822-9009/822-9017 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Informatics Computer Institute Service Center and Informatics Computer Institute customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Informatics Computer Institute customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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