Reliance Infrastructure Mumbai Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Reliance Infrastructure Mumbai is 022-30099311, 022-30386290 .
Reliance Infrastructure Limited is a leading public utility company of electrical power and natural gas that was started its world business in the year 2002 with the name of Reliance Energy. It was renamed as Reliance Infrastructure in April 2008. The parent company of Reliance Infrastructure Limited is Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group which is a conglomerate based in India with presence in 20,000 towns and 450,000 villages across the India. The headquarters of Reliance Infrastructure Limited is located in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It is one of the largest private sector power utility enterprises in all over the India. The company employs more than 8,988 employees. It has completed various projects such as Metro Rail in Mumbai, Delhi Airport Metro Express, Five Airports in Maharashtra, Bridges, Toll roads, Dadri and Sasan projects and many more projects. Reliance Infrastructure Limited provides a wide range of power utility services regarding production, Electricity generation and distribution, transportation and distribution, natural gas exploration etc. According to 2012 records, it had its revenue around US$2.8 billion. The address and contact number of Reliance Infrastructure Mumbai is also used for Reliance Infrastructure News, Reliance Infrastructure Openings Freshers and Reliance Infrastructure Ltd Jobs.
Fax Number: 022-30099763, 022-30376633

Reliance Infrastructure Mumbai Address

The address of Reliance Infrastructure Mumbai is H Block, 1st Floor, Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City, New Mumbai Maharashtra, 400710, India.

Reliance Infrastructure Mumbai Email Address

The email address of Reliance Infrastructure Mumbai is

Reliance Infrastructure Mumbai Website

The Website of Reliance Infrastructure Mumbai is

Reliance Infrastructure Mumbai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Reliance Infrastructure Mumbai is 022-30099311, 022-30386290 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Reliance Infrastructure Mumbai Service Center and Reliance Infrastructure Mumbai customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Reliance Infrastructure Mumbai customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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