Windsor Life Assurance Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Windsor Life Assurance is 0800 073 1777, Fax 0870 709 1111 .
With effective from 01 Dec,2011 Windsor Life has been renamed as “ReAssure”. ReAssure has witnessed the Ups and downs in the financial Market for the last 20 years.
The Company was registered and incorporated in the name of Occidental Life Insurance Company in the year 1963.Since,its inception it has undergone a lot of acquisitions , name changes, growth and expansions. The Company came to known as Windsor Life Assurance Company Limited in the year 1972 when they have moved in to the Royal Borough of Windsor.Windsor life got a new brand name as Windsor ReAssure in the year 2011 and amalgamated with Barclays Life. Another mile Stone that triggered in their growth was when they acquired Alico UK’s 300,000 policies.
The company’s registered office is located in Telford Centre, Windsor. ReAssure company is run by the Life Management Board. The corporate governance of the company is undertaken by the Admin Re Group. Re Assure being part of the Admin Re Group delivers and practices principles of best governance.
The ReAssure company is administered by the Board Operating Manual(BOM)and they delegate the powers to the Life Management Board. ReAssure brand adapted good ethics and it reassures its valued customers good returns for the confidence they have entrusted in their brand name for two decades. “Its what we do” is the slogan of the ReAssure brand. ReAssure Brand uphold strong ideals and have been rebranded as the company that is easy to do business with, the company that Act as a strong financial partner and the company that do the right things at the right time.

Windsor Life Assurance Address

The address of Windsor Life Assurance is Windsor House, Telford Centre, Shropshire, TF3 4NB.

Windsor Life Assurance Website

The Website of Windsor Life Assurance is

Windsor Life Assurance Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Windsor Life Assurance is 0800 073 1777, Fax 0870 709 1111 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Windsor Life Assurance Service Center and Windsor Life Assurance customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Windsor Life Assurance customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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