University of Windsor Electa Hall Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of University of Windsor Electa Hall is +1-519-253-3000 .
Electa hall of University of Windsor hosts accommodation for the higher class students other than 1st year students and students who pursue professional courses in Education and Law. Electa Hall is a traditional style residence providing accommodation for the Law residence community and other community sectors.Mostly the law students opt to stay in Electa Hall as it the building is conveniently located and it requires 1 minute walk to reach the class.
Electa Hall is divided into two blocks as Electa Main and Electa Annexe. Electa Hall accommodates both males and females. Ron.W.Ianni Faculty of Law Building and Leddy Library are very close to this. The trail system beside the riverfront is easily accessible.Electa Hall provide single rooms only for upper year students.
The building has got all comforts and a few rooms in Electa Annex have the luxury of having air-conditioned single rooms. The amenities provided in Electa Main and the Electa Annexe remains the same. The major difference is that Electa Annex provides double bed and mattress whereas, Electa Main features single bed and mattress.

University of Windsor Electa Hall Address

The address of University of Windsor Electa Hall is Windsor, Ontario N9B 1H9, Canada.

University of Windsor Electa Hall Website

The Website of University of Windsor Electa Hall is

University of Windsor Electa Hall Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of University of Windsor Electa Hall is +1-519-253-3000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of University of Windsor Electa Hall Service Center and University of Windsor Electa Hall customer phone number is given below. The helpline of University of Windsor Electa Hall customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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