Museum of Innocence Istanbul Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Museum of Innocence Istanbul is 00 90 212 252 97 38 .
The Museum of Innocence or Masumiyet Müzesi is a museum conceived by Orhan Pamuk who was awarded a Nobel Prize for Literature in 2006. The Museum of Innocence is housed in the 19th Century property in Cukurcuma Sk and Dalgic Sk. It is just 12 minutes away from Taksim. The museum is inspired from Orhan Pamuk's same name novel. It was opened in 2012 after the publication of the novel which is an outstanding fascination in Istanbul. The museum houses the collection that were used by the Turkish upper class from 1970s to early 2000s. The Museum of Innocenc also displays the objects that has been used, experienced, saw, worn etc by the characters in the novel.
Fax Number: 00 90 212 252 97 48.

Museum of Innocence Istanbul Address

The address of Museum of Innocence Istanbul is Bina Street, Submersible Dilemma, 2, 34425, Beyoglu, Istanbul.

Museum of Innocence Istanbul Email Address

The email address of Museum of Innocence Istanbul is

Museum of Innocence Istanbul Website

The Website of Museum of Innocence Istanbul is

Museum of Innocence Istanbul Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Museum of Innocence Istanbul is 00 90 212 252 97 38 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Museum of Innocence Istanbul Service Center and Museum of Innocence Istanbul customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Museum of Innocence Istanbul customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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